Diabetic foot sore? Learn
about a new investigational
treatment option.

Local research study • Non-invasive approach
• Study-related care at no cost • Compensation
for time & travel provided

Why Participate?

Foot sores or ulcers are one of the most common complications of diabetes. In fact, diabetic foot ulcers occur in up to 25% of people with diabetes. Left untreated, these loot ulcers can get progressively worse, possibly leading to infection or even amputation.

If you are living with diabetes and have had an open wound on your foot for at least 30 days, you may qualify for the Mavericks Study. The study is for the COMS® One Therapy System, an investigational, non-invasive therapy that is applied in the doctor's office.

If you qualify and choose to join the study, you may receive:

  • Evaluation of your condition from a local physician specialist
  • The COMS® One Therapy System and study-related care at no cost
  • Compensation for your time and travel to attend follow-up visits at your study doctor’s office
  • The opportunity to help advance a new wound care therapy to potentially benefit others suffering from diabetic foot ulcers

The COMS® One Therapy System

If you have diabetic foot sores, they might not heal well because the small blood vessels in your feet don't work correctly and your body's defense system is weakened.

The COMS® One Therapy System works to directly overcome these problems. It uses light and pulsed fields to boost blood flow and strengthen your foot's defense system, helping your sores heal more effectively. The COMS® One Therapy System is a lightweight, portable therapy that is applied to the ulcer site for a total of 16 minutes, twice a week for 8 weeks.

The COMS® One Therapy System is approved for use in Europe, but has not yet been approved in the US. Currently, the COMS® One Therapy System is only available in the US through carefully monitored clinical studies.

See If You Qualify

To see if you might qualify for the Mavericks Study, and to get connected with your local study center, please take the questionnaire below: